In order for you to create your account, manage your appointments and receive reminders we will need to send you emails/text messages.
Although you may not be aware of this fact, emails and text messages sent to some webmail services (e.g. Gmail, Hotmail, iCloud etc.), may be stored/routed outside of Canada (for example, in the United States).
Due to the fact that future emails will contain personal information about you, including your name, email and appointment information, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act requires that we obtain your consent before we continue.
You can delete your account at any time.
We will only send your personal information to the personal webmail address which you have provided to us.
All of the information which you provide will be kept completely confidential. If you choose to consent to the use of the online booking system click on “Yes” and your account can be created.
If you choose not to consent, click on "No" to cancel your registration, understanding that you will not be able to use the online booking system.